Garden Village WI

Gosforth Garden Village Women's Institute (WI) meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month (except in August) between 7.30pm and 9.00pm in Gosforth Garden Village Hall, Rosewood Avenue, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE3 5DD. The village hall is accessible to all.
Come along to see if it's for you; you will be made very welcome.
We have different activities each month, as well as a book group and a walking group.
Nationally, the WI is a unique organisation shaped by its members. In 1915, we set out to give women a voice and to be a force for good in the community.  Since then, our members and our ambitions alike have grown tremendously.  Today, we are the largest women’s organisation in the UK, and we pride ourselves on being a trusted place for all women to share experiences and learn from each other. We campaign nationally on a wide range of issues and provide life-long learning and self-development opportunities for women.

If you want more information please contact Alexandra Talbot (email: or telephone: 07855259324).